Monday, February 21, 2011

TAG: Versatile Blog Award

Tracy of the blog Pop Trash Beauty tagged me for a Versatile Blogger award. I've been reading her blog for awhile now with delight. She is a very creative, informative lady with a dash of no nonsense thrown in for good measure. 

Rules :

1. Post who gave you this award.
2. State 7 random facts.
3. Give this award to 15 other bloggers and notify them with a comment
Here my 7 facts, and yes you bet there going to be a cameo post coming up to go hand in hand with fact number one.

1. Napoleon’s coronation crown was decorated with cameos. He wore cameos frequently.
2. My birthday is on June 20th same day as John Taylor of Duran Duran.
3.  Cats are extremely sensitive to vibrations. Cats are said to detect earthquake tremors 10 or 15 minutes before humans can.
4. Although the Redwoods can reach heights of nearly 40 stories tall, their root systems are only 10 feet deep.
5.  When Clark Gable removed his shirt onscreen to reveal that he wasn’t wearing a vest, sales of vests dropped by 40 per cent.
6. I once rode a Orbitron at a bar in Oregon. (And I didn't throw up amazing!)
7. Growing up I became fascinated with Theda Bara. A silent screen star.I still hope that someday someone finds a lost film reel of her playing Cleopatra.

(I know I should do 15 but realized I don't even follow 15 blogs, yet. I decided to go with five)

Pop Trash Beauty
Fashion Tarts
Candy Shop Vintage
Jewels From The Roving Stove 
The Family Table 

 Being new to the blogging space I admire all of you who pour your heart and soul into your blogs. I will continue to be inspired, learn and admire everyone of you


  1. Hey those are cool facts, you are an interesting woman! Thank you for the nomination!!
