I'm thankful for my family, friends and the fact that I have the freedom to even post in a blog.
Ok and the abundance of food set on our table.
But what to wear on Thanksgiving I simply do not want or have a Turkey brooch. Then it hit me a Cornucopia. Next year That will be perfect. Of course the selection is quite grand and not the Hallmark pin of the 70's - 80's:
But these are nice vintage pieces:
Of course the jellybelly Coro pin is only around $950-to $1,275 on Ebay right now and the Trifari who knows but hey I still think they are pretty!
and last here is a little parting info.
cornucopia (
Cornu Copiae) is a symbol of food and abundance dating back to the
5th century BC, also referred to as the food of worship and holiness,
Horn of Amalthea,
harvest cone, and
horn of plenty.