Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Here is a vintage Merry Christmas From Trifari. And below is two images of the necklace bracelet called Forbidden Fruit 1950 Pat. Pending. Below is the advertisement for just the jewelry alone. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Silver Forest of Vermont

As I was going through an old box I ran across two pairs of earrings that I had bought while working retail in the 90's. I decided one pair would go really nice with an outfit.

I was curious to see if the brand still existed. It does and I'm even happier because I just found out it's made in the USA. My husband and I always try to find products not made in china. That doesn't mean I don't buy products made in China but I would rather support small businesses or opt for well made item that cost more from elsewhere. http://sfvt.com/about/ you can read up about it here but they consider it wearable art. Here is the last pair of earrings that I have of Silver Forest.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Season of Sparkle

As we head in to December for me it usually means a great season to wear sparkly jewels. If you walk into any large department store you will see tables stacked in tiers of wonderful dazzling jewelry sets or pins but don't be fooled by the price. I'm showing you a very modern lovely glass beaded bracelet. I did not get this at a department store but instead at Michaels Arts and Crafts store in their bead section.

Regular price $3.99 with a 50% off any regular price coupon yup $1.99. Shop around and be thrifty. I actually bought this to take it apart for the beads. Then I saw that it went well with the top I was wearing. Oh what to do?! I wore it to work with my sparkly top to match.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Catch Up: November

I also started a interview process for a new job. on Halloween and hopefully by the end of this week I will know if I get it.
 I took another picture of the cat

 Made Beer Bread

 Dyed my hair darker

Tokk a picture of the hubs and cat

 and fixed the toliet

Catch up: October

I've been busy and not with jewelry unfortunately. But here the general Catch up for October.

Sent a tribute picture to a friend in Virginia who lost his cat,

Dyed my hair light auburn
 Took way to many pictures of our Cat Baby

Went to Artwalk and saw this nifty felt wall hanging

 Took a artsy picture of my husband at our friends place

 Decorated the front of our house for Halloween

Took more pictures of our cat sleeping

Took a picture of my messy hair

And went to a Halloween party as a Silent Hill Nurse.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sometimes Simple

Sometimes I just dont have the time to figure out what to wear for work. So in lack of time it's a simple updo, lipstick, mascara and some simple pink pearl earrings complete the outfit.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Colors of Fall

If there is one thing I miss is plants turning all the vibrant colors of fall. But the colors of clothing greens and rust color oranges are nice to see. Of course you could wear some cream or tan then add jewelry in those colors here a few I picked out.

Here is a Lucite Amber Sarah Coventry necklace. both would look nice with black too!

And a green Thermoset Trifari necklace.

Well I'm at least wearing some fall colors.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Back from Vacation Part 3

 I saved the best for last. The Pier 2.0 ot's a 30 foot long pier they placed small speakers under the boards so you could hear the waves this year they added a Spanish Galleon shipwrecked. It took more then 25k from their own pocket (raised and donated money) to build it. It was incredible and they has the sounds of the ocean waves in the bottom floor of the boat.

 I actually of course went backwards not pier first but boat first below
 Went down to here the sound effects made it beyond increadable.

Below second deck

 Captains quarters

 And of course where I lived, putting up the Camo for everyone to camp under

after 12 days in the desert and yes I do have a shower in the RV but only used it a few times coming home and washing your hair under real running water is wonderful.

And the next day for work I cleaned up well.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Back from Vacation pt2

If you click on the pictures they are larger.  If you went inside it was like a small maze with sayings on the boards. My knees said no way.
 I have no clue but it looked cool.
Burn Wall Street.
 Another odd art car a future stork?
 The temple.
 The Man
 Hmmm this looks interesting mind you I walked no bike this year.
 oh cute two blue rocking chair horses.
 Zoa being built. When it burned it transformed

To this a metal sculpture under the wood

Part 3 tomorrow.